
Out With Outbound, In With the New Inbound Sales Methodology

Written by Mind and Metrics | Apr 6, 2022 3:00:00 PM

Are you still spending time, money, and energy on outbound marketing? If so, it may be time to reassess your marketing plan. The inbound sales methodology is the new way to go. 

If you're hoping to modernize and optimize your sales tactics, keep reading. In this guide, we will show you how your lead generation can significantly improve with inbound sales. 

Inbound Sales Methodology: The Basics 

The inbound sales methodology is a modern approach to sales and marketing that takes our age of information into account. Salespeople and marketers who use the inbound methodology know that today's consumer already has access to a limitless amount of information online, and they factor this into their lead generation tactics. In order to win customers' attention and trust, companies need to offer unique and useful content that provides solutions to customers' problems - and that's what the inbound methodology is all about.

Unlike outbound marketing, your team no longer has to use pushy sales tactics to reel leads in. By offering quality content, you can attract qualified leads and have them come to you, rather than needing to continually work to seek out and pursue potential clients.

Creating content also works to build brand trust and authority with audiences. There are many marketing channels that companies can use for inbound sales methods, such as search engines, social media, email, and more. 

Benefits of Inbound Marketing 

There are many benefits that inbound marketing can offer that outbound marketing just can't. For example, inbound marketing tends to garner higher levels of engagement with audiences by personalizing content. This allows your sales team to build a relationship with clients which can work to lead them through the customer journey. 

Additionally, you can focus on more quality leads, as inbound sales are less about guesswork than outbound methods are. With access to digital data, you can figure out which leads are quality ones and which ones are not worth the effort. This allows for a more efficient sales and marketing process, as you are focusing on the relevant buyers. 

Inbound marketing also allows you to improve your brand visibility and awareness. Customers will want to know who you are before they purchase from you. Creating great content and sharing it with prospects can help to increase their awareness and the awareness of others. 

If you've provided audiences with creative content that helped them or provided them with some kind of benefit, they will likely have great associations with your brand. If they found your content to be authoritative, then they will trust your brand, increasing the likelihood that they purchase from you over a competitor. Also, if someone really enjoys your content, they're more likely to share it with others, increasing your brand awareness

This allows for a positive experience with your brand, whereas outbound sales efforts can often do the opposite. With inbound sales, you can create a relationship with customers, as you do the work to keep them in the know or work to resolve their pain points. This customer loyalty is a sure way to attain and retain your customer base. 

Inbound Sales Techniques 

To build customer trust, there are certain techniques you will want to use in your inbound sales plan. Firstly, you will need to have a keen awareness of your target audience by utilizing buyer personas. If you don't already have a buyer persona created, this can be a great tool for creating a fictional person that represents your ideal market. 

The more detailed your buyer persona is, the better, as it will give you a clearer idea of how to develop marketing messages and content for your buyers. Once you've created a great buyer persona, you should track your customer's journey. This is the purchasing process that a customer will go through with your company. 

It begins with the buyer recognizing a goal or challenge they are having, looking for solutions, and then making a buying decision. Having an understanding of your customer's journey will better allow you to tailor your sales tactics to meet the needs of quality leads. You should also identify your qualified leads, which are those that have already interacted with your company in some way, and work to advance them in the customer journey

When working on creating inbound sales techniques, you should also make sure to focus on your customer's pain points, which you have likely already identified in your buyer persona. Your customer's pain points are the issues your customer is facing that directs them to you in the first place. Knowing why a customer needs your product allows you to personalize your sales techniques to offer them the solution they're looking for. 

Additionally, like any marketing tactic, your inbound sales method should be something you invest in. Sales and marketing teams should work together to achieve the company goals. Leads are generated from the content created by marketers which makes them essential for any sales department. 

Start Utilizing the Inbound Sales Methodology Today

Using an inbound sales methodology to grow your customer base and profits is much more useful than using an exclusively outbound marketing process. With inbound sales and marketing, you allow quality leads to come to you by offering them great content. This is a great marketing tactic that appeals to the modern customer and provides your company with tons of amazing benefits. 

These tips and tricks will enable you to offer assistance and support to your customers with both your content and your product, so you can build a relationship with your customers that is built to last. Want even more strategies for successfully warming up your leads and expanding your customer base? Check out our free eBook, The Complete Guide to Sales Prospecting! Click the button below to download.